TV BRICS Presents new Documentary Film about Young Composers in Russia

The premiere of the documentary project “Partitura. Young Music of Russia” will take place on Friday, 28 February 2025 on TV BRICS (at 21:00 Moscow time). Photo: screenshots of the film “Partitura. Young Music of Russia”

TV BRICS International Media Network presents a new documentary film “Partitura. Young Music of Russia”. The project is aimed at popularising internationally the achievements of Russian musical culture and raising the prestige of the composer’s profession. The film is based on the experience of the III All-Russian Competition of Young Composers “Partitura”, which was held in Moscow with the support of TV BRICS.

The premiere of the documentary project “Partitura. Young Music of Russia” will take place on Friday, 28 February 2025 on TV BRICS (at 21:00 Moscow time). The film will later be adapted into foreign languages and will be broadcast to media network partners in BRICS+ countries.

“The Russian School of Composition is a global brand that attracts high interest from foreign audiences. In the new TV BRICS documentary project we discuss the profession of a composer and the role of young authors in the modern music industry. The film’s heroes – participants and winners of the ‘Partitura’ competition – talk about the challenges they face and the importance of symphonic music in the modern world. Honoured cultural and artistic figures and well-known Russian and foreign composers present their views, often even opposing them. Through the ‘Partitura’ competition we observe the development of young academic music in Russia and see its international potential” – Ivan Zakharenko, Head of Thematic Broadcasting and Special Media Projects Department at TV BRICS.

The film “Partitura. Young Music of Russia” was created with the participation of TV BRICS partner “Orpheus” Russian State Musical TV and Radio Centre. 

The premiere of the documentary project “Partitura. Young Music of Russia” will take place on Friday, 28 February 2025 on TV BRICS (at 21:00 Moscow time). Photo: screenshots of the film “Partitura. Young Music of Russia”

The project was attended by People’s Artists of Russia Maksim Dunayevsky, Aleksey Rybnikov, Aleksander Tchaikovsky, Honoured Artist of Russia Zuo Zhenguan, Honoured Artist of Russia Aleksey Khodorchenkov, as well as renowned conductors such as Mikhail Golikov, Artistic Director of the TV BRICS International Symphony Orchestra, Fabio Mastrangelo, Artistic Director of the St. Petersburg Music Hall Theatre, and Aleksander Soloviev, Artistic Director of the Chamber Choir of Moscow Conservatory.

“Since some time I consider the education of creative young people one of my most important tasks. This is why I went to teach at the Moscow Conservatoire a few years ago and why the ‘Partitura’ competition – as the largest competition in the country – interested me and I was happy to accept the invitation to join the jury. Today I say to young people what my teachers told me: compose as you wish, compose as you like, but don’t sit down to write a piece without having an idea in your head. A musical idea around which everything is built,” Maksim Dunayevsky said in the film.

The film “Partitura. Young Music of Russia” (52 minutes) was produced by: Director Ivan Zakharenko, Scriptwriter Elena Pogarskaya, Cameraman Artem Markov, Executive Producer Nina Zimakova.

This is the second premiere for TV BRICS in 2025. In January, the channel presented a new documentary about Russia’s mining industry, “Uralian Anomaly”.

African Times published this article in partnership with International Media Network TV BRICS



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