Oberon Matsuvuki

Limpopo Communities Reject Ndhuna’s R8 Million RAL Project  

Four villages have rejected Roads Agency Limpopo’s (RAL) R8 million project awarded to corruption-accused company,…

North West Terminates Ndhuna Tender After Legislature Demands Answers 

North West Public Works and Roads MEC Saliva Gaoage Molapisi ordered his department to terminate…

Project-Abandoning Contractor Pleaded Poverty While Cruising In Luxury Cars

The contractor who abandoned projects in North West after pocketing R25 million pleaded poverty while…

North West HOD, CFO Mum On Ndhuna Bribery Claims

North West Public Works and Roads head of department (HOD), Moses Ikgopopeng Kgantsi, has refused…

North-West MEC Orders Probe Into R134M Ndhuna Contract 

North-West Public Works and Roads MEC Gaoage Oageng Molapisi has ordered an internal investigation into a R134 million tender awarded to a contractor who previously abandoned two projects.  In a statement released earlier today, Molapisi said he had instructed the head of department (HOD), Moses Ikgopoleng Kgantsi, to immediately ensure a probe was conducted and a report was submitted to him by no later than Tuesday (July 11, 2023) next week.  African Times reported this week that the provincial Department…

Calls For SIU Probe, HOD Suspension Over R134M Contract  

A North West politician has called for the suspension of the head of the Department of Roads and Public Works, Moses Ikgopoleng Kgantsi, for his role in the awarding of a R134 million contract to a contractor who previously abandoned two projects.  James Gadinabokao, the president of the non-governmental organisation (NGO) GATVOL, said Kgantsi should be suspended, and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) be cleared by President Cyril Ramaphosa to get to the bottom of tender irregularities, fraud and corruption…

African Times