CFO Peter Modika

Aggrieved Contractors Block NW Public Works Head Office With Burning Tyres 

Aggrieved service providers have rampaged against the North West Department of Public Works and Roads,…

North West Tender Declared Unlawful, Set Aside  

THE Mahikeng High Court has declared unlawful and set aside a R44m tender awarded by…

SIU Weighs In On R134M Ndhuna Tender 

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has weighed in on the Ndhuna Civil Engineering Services’ controversial…

Project-Abandoning Contractor Pleaded Poverty While Cruising In Luxury Cars

The contractor who abandoned projects in North West after pocketing R25 million pleaded poverty while…

North West Officials ‘Tampered With’ Tender Processes To Benefit Unqualified Contractor 

The North West Department of Public Works and Roads’ bid adjudication committee, chaired by Chief Financial Officer Peter Modika, tampered with procurement processes and changed the rules halfway through to benefit a preferred contractor that had no track record.   According to the complete tender record obtained by African Times, the committee changed functionality criteria to pave the way for MM Industries Pty (Ltd) to win a R44 million contract in January this year. The tender was for the patching…

Molapisi Accused Of White-Washing Ndhuna Probe To Defend ‘Tender Corruption’

North West Public Works and Roads MEC Gaoage Molapisi has been accused of orchestrating a plot to white-wash the R134 million Ndhuna Civil Engineering Service report and clear the contractor and officials at the centre of the alleged tender fraud and corruption.  Sources, including civil servants, engineers and businessmen, said Molapisi’s decision to order an internal probe rather than an independent one was part of a strategy to clear Ndhuna’s Oberon Matsuvuki, head of the department Moss Kgantsi and chief…

African Times