Scientists at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a way to identify people by their brain activity. The researchers have trained artificial intelligence, conducted an experiment involving volunteers and, with a probability of 75 per cent so far, concluded that each person’s brain waves are unique.
The experts found that the human brain generates unique electrical signals, which are recorded using an electroencephalograph.
“Unique to such an extent that they form a clear obvious cluster, which a person can even visually identify,” said Daniyar Wolf, a senior researcher.
The experiment, which was conducted in 2023, involved 30 people from 17 to 23 years old. Specialists stimulated the brain activity of the subjects, and later the data of electroencephalogram (EEG) each presented in the form of images of the frequency spectrum (spectrograms), the differences in which and looked for artificial neural networks.
The scientists presented the results of their research at a conference in India. And, to all appearances, they can already start preparing not only for clinical trials, but also for business trips to other BRICS countries.
African Times published this article in partnership with International Media Network TV BRICS